Permanent Make Up & Facials by Natalia Leon

Carboxy Treatment

What is the Crystal Carboxy CO2 Facial?

  • Innovative skin care treatment that utilizes the BOHR effect
  • Combining the GEL and MASK creates a bubbling effect and produces CO2 that gets delivered to skin through the gel layer
  • The increase of CO2 molecules stimulates red blood cells to increase oxygen supply to the patient’s skin and increases cell metabolism (turnover rate)
  • This promotes waste removal and increased nutrients supply to the skin thus revealing a brighter and more even complexion
Carboxy Treatment
Carboxy Treatment

Vasodilatation Action:

Vasodilatation contributes to the activation of skin cell metabolism as well as improvements to skin blood vessels, thus leading to healthier skin.

Anti-inflammatory Action:

Oxygen discharged from haemoglobin stimulates anti-inflammatory action and waste excretion action, leading to improvement in the symptoms by inflammation relief causing skin coarsening and other skin troubles.

Blood Fluidity Action:

Co2 absorbed into skin enhances blood fluidity, facilitating oxygen supply.

Clinical Test Results

In a clinical study of 12 subjects who used Co2 Mask, tests on skin brightness, facial lifting and pore improvement were performed:

  • Analysis of changes in instrumental analysis using a Chromameter showed a skin brightness improvement of 1.06%.
  • Analysis of changes in facial lifting measurements using Moire showed a lifting improvement of 3.73%.
  • Analysis of the pore device showed that the pore improvement rate was 9.46%.